Friday, November 12, 2010

Why The Phantom Menace Sucked.

Okay, I originally made a long list for a website but it was too much so it was removed.But here it is:

#1: Lucas lost his mind in the early 90's
#2: Jar Jar
#3: Jake Lloyd is a horrible actor
#4: Midi-chlorians? Who came up with that ridiculous idea?
#5: Darth Vader, mega villain of the Classic Trilogy, is a whiny little slave boy who gets all upset when he has to leave his mother.
#6: Jar Jar
#7: The whole podracing was to make it fit that Luke's father 'was already a great pilot when [Obi-Wan] met him'. Uh, no. Doesn't count.
#8: Qui-Gon was a great character but the Classics mention that Obi-Wan was trained by Yoda. (Thanks to Aigronding Mordagnir for the suggestion)#9: The battle droids were retarded. 'That does not compute...uh're under arrest. Roger, roger.' Good grief! (Thanks Aig)#10: Darth Sidious is suppose to be a mysterious character who no one knows who he really is until Revenge yet anyone who has seen Return of the Jedi  would be able to conclude that it's Palpatine because they used the same actor.
#11: Mace Windu is a jerk.
#12: Jar Jar
#13:Naboo. Brilliant name, Lucas. Brilliant.
#14: Yoda is more insane than in Empire#15: There really aren't any villains other than Darth Maul and the Trade Federation. Maul only speaks once and then is killed by a young Obi-Wan, practically still a kid. Trade Federation's 'evil plan' is defeated by a 14 year old queen. Why are all the villains being defeated by little kids? Sidious doesn't count, he only talks.
#16: The Force used to be some energy that is controlled by life and gives Jedi power in the classics, now it is a weird religion.
#17: They train Jedi when they are in diapers, this a ten year old Anakin is too old.
#18: It totally supports pedophile as is seen with an 8 year old actor and a 17 year old actress beginning a romantic relationship. Yuck
#19: Jar Jar
#20: Boss Nass doing the drooling-head swirling thingy is just sick and annoying.
#21: 3PO was built by a 10 year old Darth Vader. Yeah Lucas, likely story.
#22: Padmé can't use a blaster half as well as Leia.
#23: Half the filming was shot on blue screen and green screen. The film looks like a video game. Yuck!
#24: Watto is annoying, on top of being a slave master who owned Darth Vader. Okay, freakiest villain in the galaxy had such a weak slave master?
#25: Lucas should have focused more on the plot than the stupid computer affects that were totally unnecessary and the 'action'.
#26: The Jedi are never mentioned as being so strict about everything in the Classics. If that was mentioned, it could have explained a lot 20 years earlier.
#27: R2-D2 seems to have super powers to avoid being blown up.
#28: Grabbing food out of a bowl in the centre of a table with one's tongue, especially Jar Jar's, is gross. Lucas, please, don't do that again!
#29: Excellent music scores do NOT make up for a crappy film.
#30: So Darth Vader is some immaculately conceived prophesied figure meant to destroy the Sith. WHAAAAA?
#31:Too much politics! Headslap
#32: Queen Amidala looks like she is in her 20's, is meant to be 14, and is mixed portrayed by a 12 year old Kiera Knightley and a 16 year old Natalie Portman. BOO!
#33: Knightley and Portman wore so much make up that there mothers could not tell them apart. There little kids for goodness' sake!
#34: Jar Jar
#35: So fear can make you go all evil. Uh-huh. What a great lesson, Lucas!
#36: Double-bladed lightsaber is awesome but Obi-Wan never told poor little Luke those existed. Good grief, what young adult doesn't want a double-bladed lightsaber to fight a villain with?
#37: Jake Lloyd and Mark Hamill do not look alike, and yet Lloyd was chosen because he supposedly looks like he could be Hamill's father at a young age.
#38: This loser queen who defeats an even more loser-full Trade Federation is the mother that Leia recalled as being 'very beautiful...kind, but sad.' Beautiful, matter of opinion. Kind, uh, to a ten year old Darth Vader, yeah. LOL. Sad, well, later on yeah.
#39: A ten year old Darth Vader says that 'the biggest problem in this universe is that no one helps each other.' Well, kid, growing up to be someone who blows up a planet doesn't make that better. In fact it makes it worse.
#40: The music in the last scene is annoying.
#41: Mark Hamill's son, Nathan, is a Naboo Palace Guard. What creativity, not finding anyone new to be an extra!
#42: Amidala and her decoy, Sabé (Knightley), sounds nothing like her.
#43:Jar Jar